
The Year of Jeff


In three days I'll be somewhere over the northern Atlantic, drinking a glass of wine and enjoying the free Wi-Fi courtesy of Delta/KLM, on route to Madrid, Paris and Rome, followed by my study abroad program in Vicenza.  I just finished a great winter term, refreshed about architecture with the help of Roxi Thoren, a bunch of great skiing, and some awesome times with friends old and new.

Life is good.

With that said, thank you parents, for the opportunity to 1) exist, 2) go to school, 3) go to europe, and really do all three at the same time.  

Here is the plan:
On April 8th I fly from PDX to Amsterdam, then Amsterdam to Madrid.  Duy and I stay in Madrid until the morning of the 12th, when we fly to Paris where our friends Suni, Lauren, Matt and Roshan will be  at the same time.  On the night of the 15th we fly to Rome and meet up with Sam, who we stay with until the program starts on the 19th.  We stay in Rome for another week, then head up to Florence for a week, I spend a weekend in Copenhagen, followed by the commencement of studio in Vicenza.

I'll try and update this blog about once a week, but probably more, as I'll have a lot to share.  As most of you know I talk a lot as it is without anything interesting to say, so once I'm over there I might be posting more often.  But until then, I will be updating my travel status via Twitter/Facebook.

My twitter account is linked on the sidebar or you can follow me here.

Here is my contact information:

Skype - jeff.matarrese
Email - jmatarre@uoregon.edu

Mailing address (once I arrive in Vicenza):
University of Florida
Vicenza Institute of Architecture
CP 622
36100 Vicenza, ITALY

I'll see you all in July.  Ciao tutti.


  1. Buongiorno cousin Jeff! Here's wishing you a good trip and fun times in Italia. You should follow my blog while I'm in China for the next year starting in August. I'll be looking forward to seeing all your pictures and hearing about your experiences, especially any tasty Italian dishes you eat!

    Buon Viaggio, e Ciao!

  2. Jeff
    Buon viaggio

    If you get a chance, Siena is worth the bus trip (the train takes way too long)from Firenze

    The Campo is where the Palio is run in July and August


    Uncle Bud
